When the die is in a human player's corner and the cursor is a fist, the player may hold down the mouse button to roll and release it to cast the die. The cursor then changes to an open hand, indicating that the die has been cast. When over the board, the two-finger pickup cursor is used to move the marble. The cursor changes to a miniature Mac when the computer takes a turn. The cursor shape is an important indicator of the current or expected action.
When the "Drag Move" option is checked, the human player moves by dragging the marble to the appropriate hole and releasing the mouse button. When "Touch Move" is checked, the player may simply click on the marble to be moved and it will move to the destination hole. In this mode, when "Move To Center" is checked, the marble will always move to the center if an opportunity arises; when "Avoid Center" is checked, the marble will never move to the center. (These two options are only in effect during human players' turns; the computer players always move to the center regardless which is checked.)
For those with impatient natures the "Hyper Speed" option speeds up play considerably.